Charts and Analysis: Big Three Full Size Car Market Share, 1955-1984 – Did Quality Sink Chrysler After 1957?
It’s something of a given that Chrysler’s sales and market share tanked starting in 1958 due to poor quality in the new ’57 models. But was that the real or […]
위 웹사이트에 있는 것을 옮겼는데 크라이슬러는 임피리얼과 함께 캐딜랙, 링컨과 경쟁하는 프리미엄 브랜드로 분류했네요. 뷰익, 올즈모빌, 머큐리와 경쟁하는 것으로 생각했는데.
크라이슬러 full-size 차들 (뉴요커, 뉴포트, 300, 타운 앤 컨트리) 시장점유율은 1960년대 후반에 올라가서 1968년에 최고를 찍은 다음, 모델 체인지가 된 1973년에 다시 올라갔다가 오일 쇼크를 맞으며 점점 떨어지다가 1970년대 후반에 고꾸라졌습니다.
3. The Premium Brands:
Legend: Cadillac=red; Chrysler=black; Lincoln=blue; Imperial=green
As noted earlier, Chrysler straddled both the mid and premium segment, but then so did some of the
others (Electra, 98, etc.). And note that the Y axis scale is different here, since the share numbers are
It’s interesting to see that Imperial’s share was fairly steady (and modest), except for a bump in ’57.
But that’s hardly a good thing, given that premium brands became ever-more affordable, and generally
increased their shares over these decades.
Chrysler’s drop in the ’50s started early, already in ’56, and note how it actually went down in ’57,
contrary to popular assumption. And then continued to drop until 1960, after which time it had a strong
resurgence, thanks to the new lower-priced Newport in ’61. But it appears that the restyled ’63 and ’64s
were not really successful, as share drooped. The new ’65s started a very strong upsurge that peaked
in ’68, and then things drooped a bit and leveled off mostly until 1978, when share (and sales)
dropped precipitously, although share came back some in ’79 before the final fatal drop off the cliff.
Lincoln had a pretty good 1956, then started its decline that was halted by the new ’61s, although the
improvement after that was quite modest. Share took a jump in ’66, which coincided with a price drop.
From 1969 on there was a strong and steady share improvement, which didn’t peak until ’78-’79, the
last years of the really big Lincolns. Share dropped a bit after that, but came back to a new high in
Cadillac’s story is of course a dominant one. Except for minor dips in ’57 and ’59, share growth was
steady until a plateau in ’61-’62. Then there was a somewhat curious trough from ’63 to ’65, after which
share growth continued mostly strongly, except for the strike year of 1971. From ’71 to ’75, growth was very strong, during a time when a Cadillac became ever more
affordable in relation to average wages. The share became a bit choppy, probably in part to the
Seville, which is not included in big car sales. And then another strong climb from ’79 through ’83,
followed by a drop in ’84.
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